We therefore refer to the brit as 'guarding personal holiness', for like a loyal honor guard, we guard our covenant with The King of Kings. The holy covenant - the brit that is carved in the flesh of every Jewish male - is our pact of loyalty with The Creator. The same principle of loyalty applies to our relationship to The Creator He alone sustains us and grants us every blessing in life. Loyalty begins with the love between husband and wife, then extends to the love of one's children, one's family and one's nation. This book is a practical, comprehensive and reader-friendly manual to personal holiness, the key to every blessing in a Jewish man's life. Rabbi Shalom Arush's amazing new edition to his English-language literary garden will help you realize your fantastic potential to live a happier, more fulfilled life. Tallit Katan / Arba Kanfos / Tsitsis / Tzitzit.Atarahs for Tallit / Talit / Talis 925 Sterling Silver.High Holidays: Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur.Purim Children's Books English or Hebrew.Netilat Yadaimand Mayim Achronim Washing Cups.
Hebrew Textbooks / Audio Sets / English Instruction.Hebrew Language Textbooks for Schools and Colleges.Hebew and English Textbooks - Tanach for Schools.Children's Literature from Israel in Hebrew.